Kleber KRISALP HP - User reviews



Quiet tires. You can not hear them while driving even faster (not roar like Barumy). On a flat surface to hold the road well. Car does not run. The credit is harder tread. Virtually erased, and winter we had this year, miserable and hot. Unfortunately, what in this case is an advantage for our local roads is a tragic flaw. Due to its hardness feel and hear almost every hole and inequalities of the road. It seems that the car had any suspension immediately jump. In general, I am not in favor. But you must remember that when you live where the roads are bad, it is better to buy something sweet.

Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000km
Place of use:in terrain + in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush4
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


I bought the HP Kleber tires KRISALP after having read a lot of opinions and I have never been a better tire! I am sorry for what has tires of the upper class! I once had and I'm sorry! For the lower price I tire of the same quality as the Dunlop or Michelin tires! Tires tiennnent very well in wet soil and snowed! The car behaves much more sleazy (low rolling resistance) Congratulations on your purchase and j'èspère you share my opinion.

Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000km
Place of use:in terrain + in the city
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
The grip on snow and slush4
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4


tyres I had with autkiem. I have 6 years, I guess, before 1 November and usually shoots in April. May tyres considerable distance, because the car used by two people. Mounted mainly in the city, but also heavy mountainous conditions. The tire is a gourmet end, you never disappoint. in the mountains I never used ropes! Hockey how each tire without thorns. Slush and water is not too terrible. It is even driving at speeds of 90 km / h on the nieodsniezonym size or the residual snow. certainly stack again. I highly recommend

Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:only in the city
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


Hi ... I read and read these comments and I have to say to you people who complain about these tires is probably never driven on them or require teeth of winter tires on snow fall knows what cornering speeds. .. kleber tires are one-in my opinion, very well ... you know they are the best tires Kleber, but just look at the price of the lowest cost 2 times more than klebery and immediately report the issue arises whether there is a need to issue such an amount? acknowledge and sincerely recommend kleber tires

Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain + in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


Very good tires. Behave very well in the deep and shallow snow, I've never had a problem with abuse. In both dry and behave predictably wet conditions: a little less than the summer Uniroyali, but for winter tires - great, first class. Noise: acceptable attrition - so far unnoticed. I highly recommend and tires and shop: tyres.com. Suffice it to say that the post with the tires was with me two days after placing the order.

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000km
Place of use:only in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


I start the next season with these tires. I have to admit they are really good - objectively - already used the other sets. I especially recommend it to people who move around the city - do not hurt, they have a low rolling resistance and are super quiet ;) I had the chance last season to a number of ski and mountain in the middle of winter. I would definitely recommend at this price

Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush4
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4


First, I wanted to buy the Firestone Winterhawk, but eventually I bought Kleberki. Because of that I had the chance to test this winter already, both on snow and ice, slush can put your opinion on these tires. tyres for me are really great! It is known that the ice is not strong, so the Kleberki the overall average radziły :/ Anyway, I highly recommend these tires :)

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000km
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface5
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance5
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


recommended tire. It must be disappointed. we often go to the mountain, walking in the snow with mountain paths of light icing and liquidation of this tire is the environment, strings can be left for scrap. the tire is extremely quiet and smooth which is probably the advantage of strength, but it is definitely faster wear. compared to the previous tires that are No.1

Additional information

Distance made:5000 - 10000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4


For me, this is perfect! I think the tires too much money do not give much (although I do not know because I was not the user), but this tire offers all what I expected. In the mountains revelation - foot of snow and the car goes - chains in the trunk. On the ice a little worse, but for me as well. In my opinion sensational tire for good money. I recommend

Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:only in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5


best, which so far had "winter tires". I had the chance to check snow conditions really hard - "Pass Okraj" - covered with laces Snow Mountain. Auto pomykało large chains, which most can not remember driving the route in my case turned out to be completely useless. I think the price is simply a revelation.

Additional information

Distance made:below 2000km
Place of use:only in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:No data
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:Yes

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface4
The grip on snow and slush5
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
Total rating of the tyre